Fetch Ftp Download Mac

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MacUpdate's software library contains more than 76 FTP apps designed for Mac owners. Choose the best app and download it today for free. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol and while using FTP Mac clients can connect to the server and download files of various formats. To do this, the user needs to know the FTP server address, as well as the data for authorization (login and password).


Note: Lockers for IU Bloomington students, faculty,and staff have been replaced by a new file storage service called theCFS (Common File System). The CFS provides you with morestorage space, has an easier-to-use interface, and is accessible fromanywhere. On January 31, 2002, the Lockers were retired.

Fetch Ftp Download Mac Version

Connecting to the Lockers via FTP on a Mac isfairly straightforward. Unfortunately, moving files between yourcomputer and your Locker is not. The software providing the FTPconnection presents and receives files in DOS format (e.g.,filename.bin or textfile.txt) and will giveyou a 'permission denied' error message if you try to upload a filewithout following this naming scheme. The Lockers also cannot handlethe Mac OSforked file structure. Unless thefile you are transferring is a plain text file, you must first combinethe data and resource forks of the file before you transferit. You must do this before downloading files from your Locker.Fetch will do this for you when you upload files to yourLocker.

Fetch ftp client

Fetch Ftp Download Mac Computer

Connecting to your Locker

When you start Fetch, a dialog box will come up. Fill in the fields asfollows:

  • For 'Host', enter:
  • For 'User ID', enter your username.
  • For 'Password', enter your Locker password.

To download files from your Locker to your hard drive, click theGet button. To upload files from your hard drive to yourLocker, click the Put button.

Fetch Ftp Download

Downloading from your Locker

When you click the Get button, Fetch prompts you for a placeto save the files. This is a standard Mac OS Save windowthat behaves the same as the Save window from almost allother applications. Select the directory in which to save your files,and enter a filename. Click OK to save your files.

When connected to your Locker via the Locker Login program or throughthe Chooser, take the following steps to insure you will beable to correctly download files via FTP:

  1. Encode any file on your Locker that has a resource fork (e.g.,applications, word processor documents, spreadsheets) intoMacBinary. If you don't do this, the document will notdownload correctly. For details, see the Knowledge Base document ARCHIVED: In Mac OS and Mac OS X, how do I encode a file in MacBinary format?
  2. Rename documents on your Locker according to DOS namingspecifications. DOS files are limited to eight characters followed bya three character extension. For example, you should change the nameof a Word document that you have encoded in MacBinary IIfrom Galactic Politics.bin toGLTCPLTC.BIN.

Uploading to your Locker

When uploading non-text files using the Put button, (i.e.,applications, Word documents, WordPerfect documents) you must gothrough a few extra steps to insure that the server will acceptthem. Also, they will need to be in MacBinary II format to protectthem from corruption. To do so, follow the instructions below:

  1. Click the Put button.
  2. A standard Mac OS Open window will pop up. Navigate tothe file you wish to upload and click the Openbutton.
  3. This will take you to a second window where you can set theparameters for the file you are uploading. From the pull-down menuselect MacBinary II. Fetch should automatically append a.bin extension to the filename.
  4. Now you have to truncate the name of the file to fit DOSstandards. You must shorten the name of the filepreceding the .bin extension to no more than eightcharacters. For example, Dante's Inferno Paper.bin couldbe shortened to danteinf.bin.
  5. Click the OK button. Fetch will then upload the file, changing the name to the shortened one and encoding the fileinto MacBinary II format.

Note: Remember that this uploadedfile will be in MacBinary format on your Locker. You will need to usea utility such as Stuffit Expander to decode the file onyour Locker before you can use it.

When you're finished using your Locker, close the session.From the File menu, select Quit.